Rails 3 and UJS with jQuery
Recently I tried to convert my Rails 2.3 application into Rails 3.0. There are various tutorials covering this problem, so I just concentrate on one issue which is not well described – namely the UJS functionality introduced in Rails 3.
Generally I agree with the idea, that UJS is a good solution – the HTML we had with calls link_to_remote
and the like was really ugly, and this ugliness is not just something unimportant IMHO (especially when
you have to look at the page source). So I welcome this feature appreciatively.
So it seemed that the switch should to be as easy, as replacing the old:
link_to_remote "tilte", :url => {...}, :update => "some_id"
link_to "title", {...}, :remote => true
but… as you might see in this piece of code above, the :update
key, which I found very useful, is missing
in the new syntax. I thought – “Strange”, but who cares – there must be some rationale for that, just another
piece of Rails/jQuery magic. But when I started
I “discovered” that there is no good substitution for :update
. Especially in
Ryan’s recent railscast the solution
was really disappointing, I mean this line of code in index.js.erb
$("#products").html("<%= escape_javascript(render("products")) %>");
What?! Do I have to write this piece of sh… for every remote action? Where is the beauty of Rails’ DRYness?
But just the next day after implementing this in my application, I thought “There must be some solution for that”. And there is!
If you wish to preserve the old behavior of link_to_remote
without lousing the benefits of UJS, do
the same as you did, namely:
link_to "title", {...}, :remote => true, :"data-update" => "some_id"
(We use :"data-update"
instead of :update
to be more HTML 5 compliant. You could use :update
, but
then you would have to adapt the code below appropriately.)
And then add this little piece of code to your application.js
jQuery(function($) { $("a[data-update]").live("ajax:success", function(data,status,xhr){ $("#"+$(this).attr("data-update")).html(status); }); });
And that’s it! The :update
behavior should work as previously (and don’t ask me why I use “status” variable
for something which has semantic of “data” – the names are taken directly from the official rails.js